Thursday, February 19, 2009


Here's my latest recommendation:

The Fuel Film

I saw what I believe was a rougher cut of this in the winter of 2007, and it's simply the best movie around about Biodiesel and fuel independence and sustainability. Josh Tickell, the writer and director of The Fuel Film, is essentially the foremost expert on Biodiesel in the country, having driven thousands of miles in his "Veggie Van" on his own biodiesel. He's a scholar, an activist and an extremely brave person, and it was his book From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank that inspired me to quit it with the gasoline and move over to biofuel. I just ordered his other title, Biodiesel America, so I'll probably be blabbing about that on here when it arrives and I gobble it up. Unfortunately, I won't be able to see The Fuel Film for awhile, as it's only playing in select theaters for the time being. Josh's history is pretty amazing, and although the movie encompasses a lot of excellent science, solution and testimonial, his personal story is in some ways the most important part. If you have interest in seeing this amazing film, check out the site; there are showings in Santa Monica, CA right now, with upcoming dates in WA, NY and a few other places.

I've been car-less for almost a week, and I can't tell you how nice it is! I feel healthier and happier walking up these hills to the theater. Soon I'll be running them, I hope, with the little terrier muts in tow. They had to put on their sweaters for the first time today...there's a dusting of snow, and it's crisp and clear. Lovely!



  1. I'm interested to see that film. We watched a movie called "Everything's Cool" in my Sociology class a couple of weeks ago, and it was really interesting. I really liked the stuff about Biodiesel, because I didn't know much about it. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see The Fuel Film when it hits the Portland/Vancouver area.

  2. This definitely sounds interesting. I'll have to check to see if it's playing anywhere in the Chicago area.

    I love being car-less too. Some might argue that having a car gives you more freedom, but I feel a hundred times more liberated, and as you said healthy, on foot.
